Freak,Ive got all kinds of C/C collectiables.I mean Ive got test pressings,15 promotional 45s,all there albums,at least 12 promotional posters,a signed ceramic bong,C/C ticket stubs,rare live pictures and bootlegs,movie posters and cards,Tommys headband and shades he used in concert out here(Blind Melon Chittlin),a movie script of theres,hell I know Im forgetting a bunch but you caught me after a lengthly KB session.Whats cool is that alot of my collection is signed,well at least by Tommy,he comes to the comedy club out here at least twice a year and is totally cool about signing whatever.So Freak,do you have any of the Wedding Album items or any rare or cool C/C stuff you want to trade or are you just being a curious fan?Well,if you or anyone else reading this wants to do some serious trading you can reach me at Stay Cool Fools.........................