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misc merchandise Best film.Posted by Midnight_Toker01
How many people on this website actually smoke weed? Because youd you betterenjoy c and c movies when yoru baked, because i happen to know that the movies are designed to trip you out when your very baked, and they do this extremley well. the opening credits of up in smoek are a FUCKING trip, and cheech and chong are my favorite movie makers of all time. I'm goign to see there new movie the first day it comes out in canada, and i'll be just ripped when i do. but on to the point. Rite in thsi post and discuss your favorite cheechx and chogn movie, or your least favorite. also, im glad to live in BC canada as british columbia has soem of the best buds in the world, due to the perfect growing cnditions,and i am proud to liev where i do. all our bud is good, and i always get fat hookups. Ive also herad weed is cheaper here in general. just a little off topic rant there, come visit us soem time though, try soem fo oru good Bc buds, specificly the okanagon where i live. kelowna BC man, look me up, and ill match you a bowl our ten.
FREAK2532 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I guess i would have to be stoned to understand > what he wrote... > > -FREAK > www.freak2532.com > freak2532@sbcglobal.net > AIM: freak2532 Yeah...looks like a lot of typos and poor spelling...Don't know if that's the bud or just poor education... the later being a bigger problem than Tommy selling glass online...There are 3 excellent movies Up in Smoke, Next Movie, Nice Dreams...the others are good in the right state of mind LOL Maybe I can get Tommy and Cheech to look at my screenplay...I'd be thrilled beyond belief to just have them consider it!!! General Cannabisman Defender of Peace Rest & Relaxation
The Very Best Cheech & Chong Film Is ...Next Movie ...The Way Chong Revz The Fucking Harley Engine Just Make s Me Lmmfao & the Cockcroach Smoking ...Plus The Way Chong Gets Cheech Back When Cheech Is Driving & Chongs Holding The Jar Of Sister s Pregnant Piss ...It Is Just So Fucking Cool How Chong Gets Him Back ...Personally I Am Not A Fan Of Cheech ...He s Stupid ..Ghong s The Man ...L8terz
In my personal opinion, I would have to go with 'Up in Smoke'. It has one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard. The giant joints, you cant forget them. First time we see Pedro and the Man. Just really classic stuff. And you can never forget Alice Bowie, 'Earache my Eye'. Just an awesome song. Good times man...Good high times. F*ck Nick Cannon! - Dave Chapelle
hi guys...im not a dope smoker but worship the comedy genius of cheech and chong. gotta say ÚP IN SMOKE is still the best film for me. how f**king funny is stacey keach as well!!! gotta say the best quote of all time is 'HEY I WASNT LOOKING AT HIS NECK MAN'when chong meets strawberry.............classic shit!!!
Best film...hmm...I'd have to say "Up In Smoke". It holds up the best for me, and it's got Tom Skerritt...Dallas can do no wrong. Worst film is absolutely "Corsican Brothers", which is just bloody awful. For some fun, try finding "Yellowbeard" I wouldn't even think of watching a C&C movie without a little green... <a href="http://www.geocities.com/wmnoe/grendel.html">Click Here <IMG="http://www.geocities.com/wmnoe/sig.txt"><a href>
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