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misc merchandise Woodstock Nation, Alert Tommy ChongPosted by egg
Hello Tommy,and all your friends. We need your help, TODAY. They want to bury my good friend Joe and his son Jay Here is what has been filed in the Suprime Court Ulster County in Kingstone New York, Dec 4th,2008 and served by me to Sherriff P. J. Van Blarcum., Ulster county Sherriff INDEX number 08-6009 AFFADAVIT IN SUPPORT OF ORDER TO SNOW CAUSE Jay Debberman Plaintiff against Defendent Sheriff P.J Blarcum, Ulster County, New York STATE OF NEW YORK ss.: COUNTY OF ULSTER I Jay Debberman being duly sworn deposed and say that I, live with my father Joe Barton, a 62 year old, Viet Nam Vet, live at 473 Spillway Road, West Hurley in Ulster County, New York, and have suffered monetary and irreparable damage to the right of free exercise of my religion, which involves the God given right to cultivate cannabis, extract the essential oil from its flowers and, enjoy the benefits of its essence through smoking, eating, drinking and sharing it with others, a prictice not proven to be inconsistent with the peace or safety of this state. I am asking this Court to Order that the search Warrent issued on 13 November 2008, by the Hurley Town Court to search and sieze my property be ruled void because, after strict scrutiny, The court finds, Cannabis, Marihuana prohibition under Sec.3382 of New York State Public Health Law as a controlled substance. enforced under 220, New York State Penal Law, and Article 33 NEW YORK STATE CONTROLED SUBSTANCE ACT, on its face a fraud and overbroad, prior restraint, in its listing of Marihuana as a Schedule 1 controled substance, it wipes away all my freedoms of speech, research and worship with the deadly threat of incarceration in violation of New York State Bill of rights Sec.3. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference,shall forever be allowed in this state to all mankind; and no person shall be rendered incompetent to be a witness on account of his opinions on matters of religious belief; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of this state. I am asking this court to order the return of all my (Cannabis, hemp) marijuana, money, records and other property this day. I am also requesting the Court order a stay of arraignment, and prosecution against me on evidence that was obtained unlawfully by a constitutionally flawed search warrant, until this Civil Rights controversy of Law is settled by the State of New York and to avoid further damages to myself. Jay Debberman Acting on my own behalf And for a glimpise of the home invasion under color of Law see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQYqJPjXVlU With love in Christ Daniel Eggink http://www.nycamp.org Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.