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misc merchandise Light Up AmericaPosted by luv2play
Hey guys Had to write you and tell you how much I laughed at your show in Biloxi,MS You guys were spot on ... Thanks a lot of bringing back memory's of my youth.. I can't wait to see the movie. Both my kids 26 (Masters Degree) and my 23 year old In the Navy loves you guys a lot also We are the family of stoners or X Stoners. We all want more Cheech and Chong.. I hope you three are enjoying as much as all your fans..
Wow, Had a Hoot in Biloxi,MS. Saturday Night! We Laughed our asses off! Then had our Photo Taken With the Boys! (COOL) Cheech was Very Nice and ask My Name! (VERY COOL) Tommy, was Next to My Wife and Put his arm around her and said "mmm Expensive" She Laughed as she told me about it, and I couldn't help but Laugh! We Love you Guys!!!!!!!!!! Andy
Just had to let you know how much I enjoyed your show in Nashville, Tn. Shelby was a great opening. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much. Also, thank you for remembering your fans and taking time to sign autographs. I had the 45 record you laughed at! As I stood at the back door of the Ryman Auditorium, my body was frozen from the worth of my dedication as a fan. When you realized we were there ---- you were there! Your kindness and remembrance of your fans were a true sign of this tour being nothing short of wonderful for you all.
Your show in Nashville, TN was AWESOME! You took my husband and I back 25 years in time, WE FELT YOUNG AGAIN! This goes right to the top of the best things we have ever done for my husband and I. We laughed soo hard our faces ached the next day! As a faithful Hispanic female follower of you guys I want to say thanks for coming to Nashville and "VIVA LA RAZA!" On behalf of my fiance who is Caucasian and a Nashvillian "ROCK ON DUDES!" Good luck on the rest of the tour and a SHOUT OUT to Shelly and her great performance! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.