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misc merchandise Omaha gigPosted by Spacecake I can't believe you guys are coming here!!!!!! Would you PLS autograph my Big Bamboo album??? It's the 1st album I ever bought and I took it to school to play, but my 5th grade teacher stopped it before it got to the Sister Mary Elephant bit. Tommy, would you PLS, PLS, PLS, sign my High Times centerfold of you???? After living 15 years in Amsterdam, it sucks being back in the States where I have to pee in a cup for even the shittyist of jobs (4th amendment, anyone!!!!). Pls give me a sweet memory to help me through my return to America and to give me strength to make it back to my adoptive country. Hup, Hup Holland! (Go Holland!) Nederwiet, now that's sweet!
Great Show in Omaha!!!!! I got a VIP pass and got my autograghs!!!! Chong said the centerfold was actuallly from Playboy (I had it stored with HT centerfolds I'd also had hanging in my dorm in the 80's). Cheech noticed that it was taken at Chong's house. I spoke some Spanish with Cheech, told him he helped me to learn it. I gave them DVD's of a class project where I borrowed something from Sister Mary Elepant. Chong asked if I was a student, I said not anymore since my financial aid was cut (over the credit limit, not bad grades, this time ![]() I asked them which theatre in Amsterdam was used for Still Smokin, Chong said the Tuschinski and that their show was the first of it's kind to be done there. I forgot to get pictures and also to tell them how much Dave Davies of the Kinks loves "Dave ('s not here)". Many, Many thanks to Cheech, Chong and Jim (?Manager)!!!! I hope you guys read these things. You guys made me very happy tonight. I hope my DVD gives you a laugh or 2. There's also a Steve Martin reference in there. BTW, in 1983 my German class made a video. My sketch was a translation of "Evelyn Woodhead's Speed Reading Course". I guess I owe you royalties? I wish I could pay, but you can't get blood from a stoned ![]() Continued success for the rest of the tour and forever, Hugs, Spacecake (But, you can call me Spacecakes, Chong) A K A Happy (a la George Carlin's dwarf)
So, you spent how much on the VIP pass ? When did you get it ? Did you notice any other autographing happening besides VIP pass holders ? Curious as I am seeing them tonight in KC (1/17). I have Tommy's from a solo act years back, but am woefully lacking Cheech's. I do not (yet) have a VIP pass but saw they were $250. I love the guys but paying that much to get the remaining autograph seems steep. Yes, it would be cool to hang out and chat. Just got Quest for Fire from Netflix and watched it again, while you were seeing them, with my 15 year old. Always loved that movie and Rae Dawn was a hoot. But that aside, any help would be appreciated. Taking my wife and definitely can't do 2 VIPs. Gonna be like pulling teeth to swing the 1, as she keeps good tabs on the purse strings. Thanks for any advice !
I got the VIP pass with a little help from my friends but don't know what it cost. I'd heard that Cheech and Chong sometimes do autographs outside afterwards, but since it was so cold last night, they probably wouldn't. Hopefully it will be warmer in KC and you'll luck out. There were other fans with albums, but I don't know if they got them signed. Waiting for backstage access, there were about 20 other pass holders. Groups of about 4 persons at a time were allowed back. Sorry I couldn't provide more advice. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!
Capt Jim Great picture! Are you the official C&C pilot? Who are "We"? Co-pilots? Pls tell them Omaha loves them. I wish I could have given them more laughs , I hope they laughed at the DVD. Will they take the tour to Amsterdam? Maybe I could use that as an excuse to go back to set the wheels in motion for my return. Red tape!!! Holland would never have entrapped and imprisoned Chong. Shame on the US! Now Michael Phelps is being punished for smoking a pot pipe. Why can't the alchoholics and tea-totallers just accept this relatively harmless drug??? Pot is my anger management and insomnia medication, and it's not addictive so what's the problem??? WTF??????
Ah... what's wrong with drinking alchohol, it goes great with many "legal" pharmaceuticals!!! Hydrocodone could give weed a run for it's money. Lyrica too!!! With a little Riunite on ice it's all good!!! The reason why marihuana isn't legal is because of the big money United States drug companies don't want competition. I imagine the Netherlands doesn't have too many big money corporate pharmaceutical corporatives but they also don't have as much great ROCK 'N' ROLL as the good Ol' USA. Do you own a pair of wooden clogs and a pointy white Dutch bonet? P.S. my 5th grade teacher took the needle off after the first 20 seconds of "Let's Make a Dope Deal". Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.