My friend Elizabeth and I saw the Cheech and Chong Light Up America Tour here in Cleveland, Ohio 1/30/09 yesterday. It was an awesome show. They did so many classic skits. They even added some new current events updates to them. Shelby Chong started everything off and she was fabulous! She came out dressed in a really sexy dress. She looked like a Hollywood Diva. Hey, she is! Her stand up comedy was really funny. Cheech and Chong came on and it was just like the old days. I'd say they were on for an hour and a half. They even performed songs too! They ended the show with everyone singing Up in Smoke! It was great. I had purchased the VIP package when I bought my tickets. It was well worth the money. There were only 5 of us but we were treated great. They took us right to Cheech and Chongs dressing room. They talked with all of us and took pictures and signed books and records/cds. I have some pictures here for you to see. If you go see Cheech and Chong, get the VIP tickets too. It's well worth the price. It was a dream come true meeting them and hanging out with them. I will always cheerish that day.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2009 07:14PM by mhogg777.