Hi all, new here.
I wish we could get the music from the movies of Cheech and Chong. Take for instance the music in the background in Nice Dreams where they are under the swimming pool before it gets the rip in it. That tune I always thought was cool. Or that version of Satisfaction thats playing while Cheech is stuck on the elevator in Nice Dreams. Stuff like that. Also the Green Van tune from Up in smoke, with the longer drum intro. Just like in the movie. I was always a little disapointed in how "Completly Lost Due to Incompetence" starts on the Up In Smoke soundtrack. It should have that longer intro in my opinion. I'm not knocking the Up In Smoke soundtrack. There is plenty of great stuff on there. But I am suprised that is the only movie soundtrack they had. Why can't they at least make this stuff available for download or something? There is music off the other movies I wouldn't mind having either. Well it's just a thought anyway. What do you guys think?