This new message board is a stroke of genius. Bravo Tommy & Cheech and Webmaster!!! This board will be an important part of history. CANNABIS CULTURE LISTEN UP...It Is time to RIZE UP...Tommy is incarcerated because of our archaic laws regarding Cannabis and paraphenalia...It's time to put down the bongs ( for just a few minutes) get informed on current politics,register to vote and follow through in November...It is also time for Cannabis heads to consider getting more involved in politics...In order to FREE THE HERB we must infiltrate the system...The New Millennium Revolution is upon us... it is time to save ourselves from the destructive path we are being led down!! Tommy, Cheech you two can be instrumental in helping wake up sleepy minds...Let's get the Evolution of Humanity ROLLING...The Glass Chalice is the PEACE PIPE of THe FUTURE...
General Cannabisman
Defender of Peace Rest & Relaxation