whats the deal with anit drug laws

Posted by champ420 
whats the deal with anit drug laws
February 08, 2005 01:28AM
whats the deal with those things man? like alcohol does worse to ya and cigarettes do to.......why is marijuana illegal? oh and another this one of those government viewed places? just wondering
Re: whats the deal with anit drug laws
February 13, 2005 07:55PM
hello all,
i agree, i would liek to get an example of someone getting into a fight at a bar, or raping someone, etc, while they are stoned. I cant think of an example. im preaty sure we are all to lazy and stoned to start shit. Although this happens all the time with drunk people. Alcohol messes you up like almost no other drug, but it is legal. WTF? drunk driving kill millions, ive never heard of ne of my friend who are stoned...all the time, hitting the bong while driving down the 401, although not a good idea probobly, but have never gotten into an accident. It rediculus, and the states is SOOO much worse.
Lucky for my im up here in good old canada, where they could care less if you smoke dope, ie, read my other post.
And the federal goverment is trying to push deciminilization, which will lead to legalization(i hope), although now a days the whole same sex marriage thing is taking over the spot light. All i know is that the american goverment is so blind and, for lack of a better word, retarded, that they just dont knwo whats write and wrong, and they have no clue about the idea of basic human right, freedom of speach, and freedom to live your life they way u want.
Ok so buying weed supports the drug dealers.....hmmmm...lets think about this 1....u make it illegal, so it has to be supplied by criminals....and then u get pissed of at people cuz they are supporting the criminals? where as, if u legalize it...u make huge profits....cuz we all like getting high, and the criminals loose all the money.
man that was a long post....hehe

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