(11) To enjoy privacy in all matters in which the rights of others are not violated.[7]
(10) To be secure in one's person, house, papers, vehicle[14], and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.
(I ran across this excerpt and I could not agree more.)
It matters not how much a person hates drug abuse in our society. Or how he detests seeing so many young people ingesting harmful substances, including alcohol and tobacco. Or how much he avoids ingesting harmful substances himself. If he values freedom, he must declare openly and forthrightly:
“I have the right to do whatever I want in the privacy of my home. I have the right to think and read whatever I want, and it’s no business of the state to control my choices. I also have the right to ingest whatever I want, including heroin, cocaine, marijuana,

, cigarettes, and sugar, and it’s no business of the state how I choose. It doesn’t matter whether I choose to read only the Bible and choose to ingest only fruits and vegetables. What matters is that it is none of the state’s business what I do within the privacy of my home. I want the war on drugs ended now because I value freedom, not collectivism.”
Thus, this is the real battle — the battle for liberty — that libertarians are waging against Democrats and Republicans. It is a moral battle. It is a battle that has been waged throughout the ages. It is a battle of the individual versus the collective. It is a battle for the restoration of freedom.