It was great to see the light up Canada Cheech and Chong tour in Calgary. It was just great to see them together perfroming here and fitting they came here since it all started from here way back. I was ecstatic, the show brought back alot of memories from my youth, they have truly become part of pop culture. Calgary was glad to have them perfrom here. IN Fact just afew days before the show there were polls about the possibility of naming a city street in Calgary after them.
I heard there might be a possibility of a new cheech and chong movie. I think it would be the coolest thing if they filmed the new movie here in Calgary since this is where everything all started it would be fitting. Calgary is nowhere near what it was like when Chong was here and Bragg Creek, where Cheech first lived when he arrived here is nothing like it was. The only thing that has stayed the same is the Canadian Rockies not too far away which would also be an added bonus for filiming a movie here and would be great if they did the movie here and around and in the city of Calgary. They could call the new movie " UP IN CANADA ". Anyway it was great to see the show, I am glad I seen them perform here, special feeling having them both here. Was a great show. Thank for the memories Cheech and Chong, was like a flashback, was truly great.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2009 10:35PM by tama4ever.