I was wondering if there'd be any chance of getting in touch/actually talking with Cheech and Chong the next time they're here in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. I just apparently missed them a few days ago here the beginning of Nov here 2010.I also think they're coming back to Winnipeg on the 4th of February 2011.
The reason I'd like to chat with them is back in the mid to late 60's I believe I had met them ( I had run away from Winipeg and was living in Stanley park( and other parks places and Beachs as everyone did back then)along with a place called "Kool-Aid which I believe was on 7th.I know the time frame as I also saw Janis Joplin "Live" ( at a place I believe was called Mothers back then) and Jimi Hendrix ( at the PNE Grounds "LIVE" .Boy have I just dated myself! .Most ppl back then either hung around 4th, the corner of Georgia and Granville which Was the Hudson Bay at the time.( a
department store in Canada) Was also staying at (and removed with myself and a few hundred others when we had taken over an abandoned old army base and had been removed in the riot that took place there. Here's he part that I think we have in Common and believe/or maybe would like to chat about.I was actually Arrested by none other than "OUR common "FRIEND" (and Do mean that with tongue in cheek), Mr. Abe Stedenko and (his Local counterparts of the fine City of Vancouver of which I was arested and charged with a "CERTAIN" NO NO and was sentenced as a Juvinle(as it was 1969 and I was only 13 years old at the time ) to a place at the time was Called Breenen Lake For Boys. Thank Plz Feel free to get back to me any way you'd like.....